Race for the finish line!

Race for the finish line!

Our amazing GamePoint Bingo players have already started the most amazing Bingo Race and you can still join! Be one of the first 25 to cross the finish line and win a tablet. What do you need to do?

  1. Complete any Winter Wonder Week Collection. You can find them in the 50, 250 and 1,000 Coin rooms in GamePoint Bingo.
  2. Collect 4 medals by logging in on 4 separate days. These are automatically awarded.
  3. Send us a message by clicking here or by emailing [email protected]

The first 25 players to complete all 3 tasks will win a tablet. Runner-ups will receive a Bingo Card package with the value of their completed Winter Wonder Week Collection. Tablet winners will be announced in the chat daily at 7AM ET and 3PM ET.

Over 10,000 players have already collected a total of 15,000 Winter Wonder Week Collection pieces. Join the race now and start collecting!

Play GamePoint Bingo

AnnetteP114 -
j aime jouer mais chaque fois que j ai baucoup de point il survint toujours un probleme et j ai perdu de tre grosees somme de pointj ai tout pour pour les paiement ont m as dit que la caisse a bloquer mon compte je n ai jamais donner d ordre de ce genre pour les bonus recu je vous remercie ce probleme c est la dexieme fois que ca se produit chose que je comprend pas pourquoi vous prenez mes point accumuler et que je fait mes paiement sur ma carte de crédit chaque mois
AidaGP -
S'il vous plaît contacter notre service d'assistance, je ne parle pas français.
cjhogan -
enjoying wonder week thank you
LolitaWon - 13 Décembre, 2018 21:32
we need a sale pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Lucinda44 -
gp!!! enjoying winter wonder week & collected my favourite dauber..... the penguin....yayyyy :)
MartineRemill -
unclefester -
I've finished my Christmas ball collection. On to find the Snowmen LOL. How we do see what medals we have, think I've should be done now?
I Won I Won

Finally a win worth the money. All it cost me to get this done..lol