Pop in on Groundhog Day!

Pop in on Groundhog Day!

Today is the day where we'll know whether we'll have six more weeks of winter or an early spring. No matter what, we're definitely going to have a great time on GamePoint though!

Have you heard of mysterious things happening on Groundhog Day, like things repeating themselves? Keep an eye on Bingo, specifically the pots, between 2-6 PM EST (19:00-23:00 UK) and you'll catch some extra SuperBingo rounds repeating themselves!

Play Bingo!

RidinxxFree -
Either way 6 more weeks of winter, but he did see his shadow lol
He is correct 39% of the time.
AidaGP -
I'm fine with having a bad meteorologist groundhog be a reason to have some extra fun
nina24143 - 2 Fevereiro, 2016 23:05
thank you. good luck everyone !!
YnigoVeneracion -
Yesterday is Groundhog Day
Burgiee - 3 Fevereiro, 2016 14:07
kgrace1 -
TY gp
kgrace1 -
I had to miss it all. So, sad. Have a great day all.