You picked the...

You picked the...
We've tallied all the votes from the blog, Facebook and all players around the world. The winner with the most votes was the Clogs! Thanks for all your help!

Now when you play Bingo, you can always use these bright and classic Dutch wooden shoes to stomp your way to winning! And of course, the Clogs are available for FREE! Comment if you'll be using it!

Play Bingo!

Lucinda44 -
great !! these show up well on the cards
Shadowcat5180 -
no they don't especially the windmills
AidaGP -
Hey Shadowcat5180, it's just the clogs. The windmills didn't get enough votes to stay. And they're free, so you can try em out. And Lucinda, glad they're working out for you. Indeed they're nice and clear!
Shadowcat5180 -
this site sucks
Shadowcat5180 -
same winners every room.
AidaGP -
Wishing you lots of luck, Shadowcat, so that you catch a lovely winning streak.
edsbrat - 1 Mai, 2017 03:34
New daubers are cool. So so very badly need Battle solitaire and spin bingo on android and apple. PLEEEASE.
AidaGP -
Hi edsbrat, thanks for the feedback. Don't know what's in store for our smaller games but I'll pass along your excitement about BattleSolitaire & SpinBingo
LasShonn -
I will be suing the clogs, thank you gp for the free clogs
AidaGP -
Don't sue em! (you meant 'use' but your fingers had other ideas). Happy daubing!
LasShonn -
I cannot wait to use the clogs thank you gp