100% Coin Sale

100% Coin Sale
Get double the Coins on every deposit! Bring on all the extra games thanks to this special limited-time 100% Coin Sale!

Double your Coins!

vshimek -
I am so mad right now....on oct 22 I spent $100 and received 52,000 coins NOW $100 gets you 104,000 coins I was ripped off 52,000 coins by 5 days Really sux I am so tired of this gamepoint
vshimek -
I meant Sept 22
AidaGP -
Hi vshimek, when we have a Coin sale (or any other sale), they stand alone and apart from other sales, meaning that they're not 'connected' or related. So it could very well be that one time it's 50% and another it's 100%. It's up to each player to decide whether or not they want to take advantage of the offer at the time, because you never know what the future can bring!
LeonaSlaughter -
Vshimek you put Oct 22 it not here lol.
vshimek -
I meant sept 22 that how mad I am......Im going to use the coins I have and when Its done Im gone of gp....I live on a fixed income and this continue to be an issue after I buy coins. Seems each time I buy they put a sale on days after....
meyou4 -
can i get get the coins to day for 100% please
AidaGP -
Hi meyou4, sales are only valid for as long as it's seen in your wallet. Once you no longer see the discount being applied, it's no longer available. Have you signed up for our newsletter? That way you can get directly notified when there's a sale so you never miss out