Goblin running lose!

Goblin running lose!
A greedy goblin has broken into the GamePoint bank. Now he is trying to escape with a pot of gold. The goblin has also been spotted in RoyalDice! Will you catch him? There might be a reward...


snuggybunny -
Thanks so much
SoutherBell -
oh my gosh gp has some disconnection issue all night this is getting very old and please someone work on the ipad updates too keeps freezing up
Sparky59 -
Why do people get so heated up over Bingo. It's just a game.
G56H -
never found him.. looked a few times today and this evening
riggs1 -
went in every rm in rdice nothing
chutzpah51 -
looked in every room...never found him...no rewards for me i guess gp :(
JaneKovach - 29 October, 2014 2:13 PM
thank u
ErikaS48 -