You wanted more daubers?

You wanted more daubers?
GamePoint delivers, here come more Bingo daubers

We've been collecting a lot of feedback and have added 8 new daubers to the collection! Now you have even more options than ever for daubing your cards, including a Blue Butterfly and Gem dauber. We've even included a FREE dauber that everyone can use, the Heart of Gold!

If you've paid for daubers since the last update, then you'll still have it. Once you purchase your daubers with Coins, you don't have to pay to use them again. And of course, the previous free dauber, the lucky Four Leaf Clover will remain free!

Go try them out right now! Let us know which is your favorite new dauber!

Play Bingo!

kgrace1 -
Thank you very much. have a great day.
AidaGP -
Have a new favorite yet, kgrace1?
lightingStorm -
thank u very much for the free heart dauber have a great day gamepoint
RianGP -
Awesome to hear you like the heart dauber! Have a great weekend lightingStorm!
vshimek -
i would like a free rose dauber if at all possible to get it out there...thank you
AidaGP -
Thanks for the suggestion about a rose dauber!
GingerL11 -
i love the butterfly one but may have to quit soon,won good yesterday but lost half 70K today havent won at all :( maybe try a good luck dauber next
AidaGP -
These daubers are a way to make your Bingo cards look fun and maybe match your personality. Otherwise, a specific dauber doesn't affect your chances while actually playing (unless you believe that the Four Leaf Clover can naturally draw you some luck!). The butterfly one is indeed really pretty!
alwzawinner -
I really like the new daubers, thank you! Do you think that maybe one day we can choose which color we want out new daubers to be? That would be really cool! I would love to opt for pink or red hearts. : - )
AidaGP -
Hey alwzawinner! That's definitely an idea to consider, being able to change the color of an existing dauber. We happen to have two heart daubers now though! A red one that you can purchase and the gold one that we just released (which happens to be free ). Thanks for the feedback and have fun!
MonaLisaPena -
I do like many of the new daubers

Is it possibe to have the new purple circle that you just added ... In multiple colors ?
I think having a ---> BLACK
MonaLisaPena -
CIRCLE would be awesome !!!
lovingcup -
I would also like to add

Many many players spend a small fortune on your coins
Do you reall need to be so greedy in charging for these daubers ?
2,000 as the highest ...
Many players NEVER win enough coins to reach 2,000
Don't be so greedy !
LindaRose68 -
I really like the Heart of Gold dauber! It is easy to see and the green lines really stand out. Thanks!!
Diane31846 -
I want black or red duabers so I can easily see them.