Winter Wonder Giveaway!

Winter Wonder Giveaway!
The best is yet to come. On Sunday, December 16th at 7PM ET, be online in any game or room as we give away hundreds of real prizes for a whopping three hours!

Time flies when you're having fun, so to make Sunday's big giveaway come faster, you might catch mini giveaways and quizzes in chat during the week.

The whole GamePoint team also wants to thank you for a great Live Bingo show! All participants (those who claimed a Live Bingo card) have automatically received 50 Coins per drawn Golden Ball directly into their Wallets, congratulations!

Play GamePoint Bingo

DLF092968 -
Thanks for Live Bingo but all it did for me was freeze!!!
PamelaB190 -
I'll be there....hope to win something playing the bingo games
Emma1981 -
Did join Bingo Live, but all it did was FREEZE !!!
VickiH745 -
I picked my card earlier in the week but was unable to be at the live game, was hopeing that it could have been automaticly played. I want to win so I will be on hand SUNDAY. Hope you all have a great week.
letsplay5 -
Live bingo was fun.. a couple of times it did freeze up, but i caught up anyway :)
TerryC25 -
yipee..can't wait
LolitaWon -
where is the bingo stars room?please
PiePie -
Would love to win something.